Teatro-Cine de Gouveia
Festival concerts will take place mainly inside Gouveia’s Teatro-Cine, an art deco building from the 40’s, restored in the late 90’s.
The Teatro-Cine is a 345-seat event facility, with seating capacities being reduced for the festival to about 330 seats. The facility’s stage measures 11x9 meters (35x 30 ft).
The Teatro-Cine is on Avenida 1º de Maio, next to the fountain by Gouveia facility, and very close to the historical centre of Gouveia.
Parking facilities are available near the building.

Please consult map below to localte for GAR event facilities (Teatro-Cine de Gouveia, Biblioteca Municipal Vergílio Ferreira, Igreja de S. Pedro, Câmara Municipal de Gouveia and Car Parking)