
© T.J. Krebs

Ketil Bjørnstad

origin Norway
line-up expected at GAR 2024
Ketil Bjørnstad – piano
sinopsis A cultural polymath, award winning Norwegian musician, composer and writer Ketil Bjørnstad’s rich and extensive musical and literary catalogue is nothing but remarkable. Starting out as a classical pianist, Bjørnstad had moved to contemporary jazz when he released his debut album in 1973. From then on, the pianist has moved effortlessly between subtle chamber music to intense playing in concerts, film music (for Jean-Luc Godard and Ken Loach) and studio recordings (more than 50 albyms), while constantly keeping an ear on melody, harmony and structure. Stuart Nicholson on Ketil Bjørnstad: ”Somehow he manages to suggest a tension between the temporal art form of music making and art itself, an aspiration of timelessness that can be found throughout his best work.” A cultural prodigy comes to Gouveia!
discography Åpning (1973)
Berget det blå (1974)
Tredje dag (1975)
Finnes du noensteds ikveld (1976)
Selena (1977)
Musikk for en lang natt (1977)
Svart Piano (1979)
Tidevann (1980)
30-års-krigen Beat (1981)
Engler i sneen (1982)
Mine dager i Paris (1983)
Preludes vol. 1 (1984)
Natten (1985)
Preludes vol. 2 (1986)
Three Ballets (1987)
Karen Mowat-suite (1988)
The Shadow (1990)
Odyssey (1991)
Rift (1991)
Messe for en såret jord (1992)
Løsrivelse (1993)
For den som elsker (1994)
Sanger fra en klode (1995)
Haugtussa (1996)
Reisetid (1997)
The Rosenborg Tapes vol. 1 (1998)
The Rosenborg Tapes vol. 2 (1999)
Himmelrand - Tusenårsoratoriet (1999)
Grace (2000)
Old (2001)
The Nest (2003)
Seafarer’s Song (2004)
Floating (2005)
Before The Light (2006)
Rainbow Sessions (2007)
Devotions (2007)
Life in Lepizig (2008)
The Light - Songs of Love and Fear (2008)
Remembrance (2010)
Night Song (2011)
Early Piano Music (2011)
Vindings Music (2011)
La Notte (2013)
Sunrise (2013)
A Passion For John Donne (2014)
Bartok/Debussy/Ravel (2015)
Shimmering (2015)
Images (2015)
Sanger om tilhørighet (2016)
Hun som kjenner tristheten ved ting (2018)
Rainbow Sessions – New Edition (2019)
The World I Used To Know (2019)
The Beginning – And The End (2019)
The Personal Gallery (2020)
Lofotoratoriet (2020)
Flagstad – An Opera (2021)
New Morning (2022)
The Seventies (2022)
Sanger ved havets begynnelse (2023)
Nightwalker (2023)
Musikk for en lang natt (with Sigmund Groven) (1977) Polydor
Ketil Bjørnstad with Ole Paus
Lise Madsen, Moses & de Andre (1975)
Bjørnstad/Paus/Hamsun (1982)
Kildens bredd (2002)
Frolandia (2015)
Ketil Bjørnstad with Lill Lindfors
Leve Patagonia (1978)
Och människor ser igen (1980)
Aniara (1983)
Människors makt (1985)
Salomos Høysang (1995)
Ett Liv (1998)
Coastlines (2008)
Ketil Bjørnstad with Terje Rypdal, Jon Christensen & others
Water Stories (1993)
The Sea (1995)
The Sea II (1997)
Ketil Bjørnstad with David Darling
The River (1997)
Epigraphs (2000)
Ketil Bjørnstad with Anneli Drecker
Hvalenes Sang (2010)
A Suite Of Poems (2018)
Between Hotels And Time (2022)
links Ketil Bjørnstad [official website]
Ketil Bjørnstad - Unofficial [Facebook]